Oh, Really?
When a group of men gathered to declare independence and to construct a framework for governance, was it 'unreasonable expectations'?

When voting rights of African-Americans and Women were acknowledged by U.S. Government, was the struggle to secure the achievement just 'unreasonable expectations'?
When the nation came together to re-build the South after horrific devastation, whether it was a little more than a century or a week ago, was it just an exercise in 'unreasonable expectations'?
When immigrants cast their eyes on the Statue of Liberty for the first time as the ship entered the New York City harbour; When they disembarked at Ellis Island, did they have 'unreasonable expectations'?
When the light bulb was invented, the car, and the plane too --- was it the fruit of 'unreasonable expectations'?
When the President issued a challenge about space exploration, yes even landing on the moon --- was it 'unreasonable expectations'?
When the President challenged political counterpart to tear down a symbol of shame and division, was it an 'unreasonable expectation'?

When Health Care Reform was enacted on March 31, 2010 after 100 years of trying, was it just the result of 'unreasonable expectations'?

When budget was approved to avert a government shutdown, was it just 'unreasonable expectations'.
When the President declared, 'We will prevail' after being attacked by formidable enemy on our homeland.
When the President killed the formidable enemy that attacked US on our homeland, was it all just 'unreasonable expectations'

Is it just 'unreasonable expectations' to pursue the needed changes in our policies?
When states move towards open primaries to ensure everyone voice is heard in choosing our leaders, is it 'unreasonable expectations'?
Is it just 'unreasonable expectations' to pursue a National Comprehensive Energy Policy?; have a Education System that actually produces sustainable results?; and ensure that anyone who is in the country is present according to the law of the land? Is it 'unreasonable expectations' to expect pragmatic solutions to these challenges that we have been grappling with for decades? It it unreasonable?
Is it 'unreasonable expectations' for the public to expect leaders to behave in the manner whereby the nation comes before narrow interests of party or idealogical groups. Is it 'unreasonable expectations'?
Those who believe that pursuing these initiatives are 'unreasonable expectations, may be they are showing themselves to be just unreasonable.
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