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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meeting S.A.R.A.H.

This message is addressed to every individual who is dealing with personal loss.

Please accept this post as an offer of due sympathy and prayers as you deal with your loss.

Celebrate the Life.
Continue to reflect on the memories that have become as valuable as frankincense.

Let the Memories remind you of Life.
Let the Life remind you of God.
Let God remind you He is your Comforter.


There may be days when the sense of loss may be overwhelming.
Remember S.A.R.A.H.

'And it came to pass'...not to stay.

A reminder and encouragement that challenges can be faced and overcomed by understanding Loss through Meeting S.A.R.A.H.

Allow me to briefly explain the Meeting...

S --- Shock, Stunned disbelief to an event.

A --- Anger. May be directed towards self, family, friends, bureaucrats, bureaucracies, and God.

R --- Rejection of social network and/or support. May involve denial.

A --- Acceptance of Reality. Involves understanding and reconciliation of issues. Develop new capacity to cope constructively with Loss.

H --- Healing. Using newly acquired knowledge and coping capacity to produce and/or promote general awareness and understanding.

Now, from personal experience, though it has been more than five years, there have been times when I've reached for the phone to call my dearest friend, Katrina. Suddenly, I found myself Meeting SARAH once again. Yet as time passes, the frequency of the meetings are reduced and the intensity of the meetings are diminished. Loss is inevitable. Dealing with it is optional and requires a person 'Meeting S.A.R.A.H.'

SARAH is written in loving cherished memory of Katrina Jones who died in 2005. Hopefully, this may edify and encourage you to meet all challenges moving forward.

Further Reading

Related Blog --- Surviving the Devastation of Loss

Surviving the Devastation of Loss

Five years later there's reflection on surviving the devastation of hurricane Katrina. I'm not referring to the devastation of loss experienced by the residents of New Orleans/Gulf Coast. I'm talking about the devastation of loss experienced by myself in the death of my dearest friend.

Katrina. We have been friends for over twenty years. there have been positive and not-so-positive times. We didn't always agree on everything. As we moved through normal life transitional events the preservation of the friendship was not due to daily contact or geographical proximity. the bonds of friendship strengthen through intimacy i.e. psychological connection based on an ever-increasing understanding of and respect towards each other.

When I received the news of her death there was utter shock, anger, and disbelief. Without exaggeration, suddenly the world seemed so different; yes, the sky, trees, and everyday routines. Everything seemed surreal. Like a hurricane that brings forth damaging floods, the death of Katrina brought forth flood of emotions that was truly unsettling.

Now five years later renewal is taking place --- Faith is replacing disbelief; Serenity is replacing anger; stability is replacing uncertainty. In the wake of Katrina, there's realization that though her absence is felt greatly, life is all about resilience. This realization is confirmed through her friends and family as they pursue their aspirations, acting with courage to care deeply and love completely again.

The movie, "Beaches" starring Bette Midler is a nice, though not complete illustration of our friendship throughout the years. There's a reminder that I have truly been blessed to have had such a friendship in my lifetime. As the bible records that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the the soul of David so it seems as though my soul was knit to Katrina; for I loved her as my own soul.

May the devastation of loss bring forth the encouraging words, "I Will Survive" so that it may produce the testimony, "I Am a Survivor".


"Never Would have Made it"

by Marvin Sapp

Further Reading

Related Blog --- Meeting S.A.R.A.H.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Representing Hoosiers

Senator Richard Lugar.

 Hoosiers across the political spectrum have truly benefited from his long years of public service. There have been a enduring sense of pragmatism in his approach to governance. This is evident in the development of the plan, Unigov, re-organization of city-county government as mayor of Indianapolis. The pragmatism is shown through forging compromise with opponents thereby impacting residents' governing power in the towns of Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport, and Speedway. 

As U.S. Senator, his wisdom and principled understanding increased his stature and level of respect received from his colleagues across the political spectrum. Lugar's office was always very responsive to questions and concerns to his constituents. Richard Lugar is among the ranks of Sam Rayburn, Everett Dirksen, and William Fullbright, legislators who served in U.S. Congress with integrity and honor. Indeed, 'We the People' need more such individuals.

"In times like these" when the nation is faced with serious challenges domestically and internationally, it's more important than ever to have individuals in U.S. Congress who are NOT ideologically intransigent. Indiana's closed primary disenfranchised many reasonable Hoosiers in being able to choose suitable representation for Indiana.

Indiana is often viewed as a 'backward' state, in a complacent sort of way. Yet, its past has shown Indiana wants US to move forward. What matters most is pragmatic sustainable solutions that support coherent Vision. There's little understanding of the fact Indiana has shown willingness to elect Democrats and Republicans to public office at every level of government. In the past, Indiana is often viewed as a 'fly-over' state and Hoosiers' vote is often taken for granted.

Appeal to Senator Richard Lugar: Please strongly consider registering as a write-in candidate and give the majority of reasonable Hoosiers the opportunity to be able to choose suitable representation for Indiana. Indeed, Lisa Murkowski has shown that (1) governance should not be further corrupted by ideological intransigency. (2) There may not be agreement on everything, but we still must work together. (3) The voice of a few ideological extremists should not muffle the voice of reasonable people. Again, Please strongly consider registering as a write-in candidate and give the majority of reasonable Hoosiers the opportunity to be able to choose suitable representation for Indiana.

Richard Lugar truly is a worthy mentor for leaders; a statesman

Further Reading

Adam Kirsch , Executive director, Marion County Democratic Party --- "Lugar, more than any other Republican senator over the past three decades, has secured America against the deadliest weapons on Earth. If we yield to the stubborn ideology that compromise is a dirty word, Congress will continue to gamble with American lives. Foreign policy leadership takes a willingness to act in the best interest of American safety. Whether the strategies behind nuclear disarmament come from the GOP or the Democrats shouldn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that they worked."

Harry Reid Statement   --- "His first priority has always been getting things done for the American people, whether that means keeping the world safe from nuclear war or looking out for Hoosiers back home."

John Kerry's Tribute --- "This is a tough period in American politics, but I’d like to think that we’ll again see a United States Senate where Dick Lugar’s brand of thoughtful, mature, and bi-partisan work is respected and rewarded. That kind of seriousness of purpose should never go out of fashion."

Indianapolis Star Editorial --- "Lugar brought his expansive mind-set to Washington, where he established himself as a bipartisan bridge-builder, a master of foreign affairs and a leader in the most domestic of affairs, agriculture...History will tell; and history, by any reckoning, will vindicate the half-century of public service rendered by Richard Lugar."

Michael Vandeveer, Former Mayor of Evansville --- "I viewed Lugar not just as a Republican but as an outstanding example of bipartisanship in what now has become a bitter, politically divided chamber...partisan politics has limits when it comes to governing. Richard Lugar was a living testament to that belief."

Letters to Editor, Indianapolis Star ---

Rachel Demaree --- "Sen. Richard Lugar embodies a motto that I have carried with me; that one should always have a mind to work and a heart to serve...representing Indiana like a true Hoosier with dignity, class and that signature hospitality." 

Wynn and Dick Tinkham --- "Nobody in public life cared more for every person within his reach as mayor and senator or tried harder to find the right path for his city, state and country than did Richard Lugar.

Richard Lugar's Biography

Did you know...

Before Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move' Initiative, there was the annual Dick Lugar Health Fair and Fitness Festival and Lugar's Community Run, Walk.