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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meeting S.A.R.A.H.

This message is addressed to every individual who is dealing with personal loss.

Please accept this post as an offer of due sympathy and prayers as you deal with your loss.

Celebrate the Life.
Continue to reflect on the memories that have become as valuable as frankincense.

Let the Memories remind you of Life.
Let the Life remind you of God.
Let God remind you He is your Comforter.


There may be days when the sense of loss may be overwhelming.
Remember S.A.R.A.H.

'And it came to pass'...not to stay.

A reminder and encouragement that challenges can be faced and overcomed by understanding Loss through Meeting S.A.R.A.H.

Allow me to briefly explain the Meeting...

S --- Shock, Stunned disbelief to an event.

A --- Anger. May be directed towards self, family, friends, bureaucrats, bureaucracies, and God.

R --- Rejection of social network and/or support. May involve denial.

A --- Acceptance of Reality. Involves understanding and reconciliation of issues. Develop new capacity to cope constructively with Loss.

H --- Healing. Using newly acquired knowledge and coping capacity to produce and/or promote general awareness and understanding.

Now, from personal experience, though it has been more than five years, there have been times when I've reached for the phone to call my dearest friend, Katrina. Suddenly, I found myself Meeting SARAH once again. Yet as time passes, the frequency of the meetings are reduced and the intensity of the meetings are diminished. Loss is inevitable. Dealing with it is optional and requires a person 'Meeting S.A.R.A.H.'

SARAH is written in loving cherished memory of Katrina Jones who died in 2005. Hopefully, this may edify and encourage you to meet all challenges moving forward.

Further Reading

Related Blog --- Surviving the Devastation of Loss

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