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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Political Zeitgeist

The presidential election season is a'comin'. You can tell without looking at a calendar or clock. Political operatives -- Democrat and Republican, are jousting for the advantage that will produce victory for their respective in 2016. What would be the central issue? Will it be domestic or foreign policy? Will it be economic or social policy? What is the political zeitgeist that will direct the presidential election?


Through American history, presidents have been elected as a result of zeitgeist. 
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved the idea of continuity (Franklin Roosevelt). 
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved the idea of strong leadership through period of transition (Harry Truman)
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved victory and idealism (Dwight Eisenhower)
  • As a Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II, Dwight Eisenhower personified the euphoria of American victory. 
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved when idealism meets realism (John Kennedy, Richard Nixon)
  • The idea of Camelot, Richard Nixon's push for Comprehensive Healthcare, the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr.
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved the idea of trust i.e. in government (Jimmy Carter)
  • As a southern Baptist minister, Jimmy Carter inspired trust of the American people after the events, Vietnam War and Watergate.
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved national pride, patriotism (Ronald Reagan)
  • Ronald Reagan's humor made the electorate feel good about being an American as well as reminded people of the fact America is capable of overcoming hard times and achieving greatness --- when the country was in malaise. 
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved empathy (Bill Clinton)
  • The slogan, "It's the Economy, Stupid" as well as Bill Clinton's egregious interpersonal style highlighted need of the electorate 
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved responsibility (George W. Bush)
  • Still today candidates adopt the tagline George Bush introduced, "I'm <candidate's name> and I approved this message." which highlights personal responsibility after the actions of predecessor.
For some presidents the zeitgeist involved collaboration i.e. bipartisanship (Barack Obama)
  • Barack Obama gained national attention in 2004 when unity of purpose was highlighted in speech at Democratic National Convention. In 2008, Barack Obama made people feel good about being human and reminded peoples of the fact an individual is capable of overcoming hard times and achieving greatness --- when there was worst financial crisis since Great Depression. In 2012, the issue became a matter of trust i.e. being principled.


Now,  in 2016, what will be the deciding factor --- bipartisanship, responsibility, empathy, patriotism, or strong leadership? What would be the central issue --- minimum wage, equality (e.g. women, gay/lesbian), or immigration reform. Will it be domestic or foreign policy? Will it be economic or social policy? Will it it be an integration of everything --- domestic and foreign policy; economic and social policy? 

What is the political zeitgeist that will direct the presidential election?

The American People is looking for someone who has vision for United States of America. Vision is more than a goal. Vision is process plus goal. There is a question/concern whereby a candidate's response would highlight the tactical and strategic understanding of vision for United States of America. A vision that is comprehensive integration of domestic and foreign policy; economic and social policy. Most importantly, a candidate may be shown to be unprincipled if their response is not congruent with their record.

Stay Tuned.

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