Earth is the Mother of Creation. (Genesis 1) Earth provides understanding of the environment and science. Studying Mother Earth provides understanding of Man's identity, purpose, and responsibility. Indeed God gave Man dominion over the earth, but He also gave Man responsibility. The purpose of man is summarily expressed in the scripture, “Fear [Respect] God, and keep His commandment: for this is the whole duty of man.” Are we fulfilling our purpose? Through appreciation of creation, from awe and humility, there's realization that God is in control. There's opportunity to recognize the sovereignty of God.
Earth is a mother who is always 'pregnant' or in state of producing something, if not in one hemisphere then in another. This is not about the Gaia Movement per se, though there are shared principles. when a person understands this mother there is appreciation for human discoveries through science. the perception that the Holy Bible and Science are mutually exclusive or are always in direct contradiction to each other is reduced. the nature of any contradiction may be explained by what happens in court of law whereby witness gives testimony, but the listener is still left with the choice of whether to believe the testimony.
Significant Point --- There's biblical support for what scientists say about earth being billions of years, not thousands of years old. The bible never asserts the earth is just thousands of years old. the misapplication of the scripture (2 Peter 3:8) many Christians use to support such assertion actually contradicts the truth of god being eternal, not govern by time. The scripture is expressing that time is nothing with God. Just consider what is being expressed if a person should say, "This week is as a day, and a day is as a week."
Further Review
Related Blog: The Significance of a Mother
God is in Control
Psalm 19:1-3 --- "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard."
"Exodus Decoded" --- A documentary that explores the scientific, historical, and archeological evidence and findings from interdisciplinary experts that seems to support the veracity of biblical account of Israelites' Exodus from Egypt, inclusive of the 'Ten Plagues of Egypt'.
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