"Each time a man stands for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope...those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” -- Robert Kennedy Jr.
There are Five Key Mothers of the Bible who provide understanding about many
issues towards practical application. By no means is the following an exhaustive
explanation. Be advised it just may whet your appetite for more.
Rebekah is the Mother of Nations (Genesis 25:23) Rebekah provides understanding of historical, cultural, and geopolitical relationships in the international community.
Significant Point --- During the Persian Gulf War when Saddam Hussein declared the conflict a 'holy war' the chatter among many pundits and scholars was about what constitutes a 'just war'. Such an academic focus does not reflect comprehension regarding the impact of such declaration. The declaration coupled with launching missiles at Israel was an attempt to break the U.S.-led coalition by appealing to historical, cultural prejudices. If Israel had responded with force to the attacks there would have been an escalation to the conflict. Israel's retaliation would have evoked the ole' 'enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend' response from not just from Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Libya, and Egypt but Russia's support for the U.S. in the war may have been weaken insomuch Russia stills harbours ill will towards Israel since the Six-Day War. Now if the conflict had so escalated and the international community's focus became preoccupied with the Middle East, history has shown that China, Korea (North and South), and Japan may be opportunistic in advancing their respective interests.
It's ominous that later Israel has indicated if such actions should occur again it will not remain passive. Furthermore, the current stance of Israel regarding perceived imminent threat of Iran should be regarded with all due concern i.e. prudence and pragmatism. There are some people who may advocate for a more chest-thumping, guns-a'blazing approach to Iran. However, what is needed is a more reasonable not reckless approach.
Significant Point --- Many Americans expressed dismay at and seem unsettled by President Karzai talking to Taliban. It's to be expected. Taliban and Al Qaeda are not synonymous. However, they're like a braided rope. From President Karzai's perspective the discomfiting of Al Qaeda and engaging in talks with the Taliban would not only help stabilize Afghanistan/Afghanistan, but also provide leverage with its neighbor, Pakistan. 'Offering them room at the table', the Taliban may more likely strenghen alliance with Pakistan. Pakistan has been supplying weapons to Taliban in the struggle with India over Kashmir. Consequently there is a major shift in the balance of power in the region. The balance of power affects the respective interests of United States, Israel, Russia, India, Iran, Iraq, Saudia Arabia/United Arabs Emirate, and China. The balance of power affects the global economy specifically as it relates to price of oil. The balance of power affects national & global security as it relates to nuclear weapons proliferation. The balance of power has substantial affect on the ongoing Middle East Peace Process.
Significant Point: Though Iran may be 'saber-rattling', Ahmadinejad is good at misdirection. Be not deceived.
There are Five Key Mothers of the Bible who provide understanding about many
issues towards practical application. By no means is the following an exhaustive
explanation. Be advised it just may whet your appetite for more.
Eve is the Mother of All Living. (Genesis 3:20) Eve provides understanding of human psychology, motivations, and relationships. There's realization of the importance and dynamics of interpersonal communication/interactions; specifically listening, the nature of conflict and its resolution. Studying Eve provides practical knowledge about the foundation of relationships (the levels thereof) and how to strengthen it i.e. developing intimacy, a psychological bonding. Most important, there's insight about the process, reconciliation i.e. repairing a breach in relationship.
Significant Point --- After the shooting at Columbine High School , and 10 years later the Virginia Tech Shooting, many people reflected on listening to youth. Whether in Fort Hood, Texas; California, or Arizona it's becoming more evident that we, as a soceity, do not really listen to each other. The civil discourse during the last 10 years is sad testament to the effects of continual loss of listening skills.
Update --- February 28, 2012 -- The tragedy at the Chardon High School in Cleveland, Ohio reflects the fact as we become more connected through social media and other technology, there's increasing isolation. Why? Maybe because we're losing the ability to communicate with each other, to know one another.
Further Review
Romans 10:17 ---"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Philippians 3:7-10 ---"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and
I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count
them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in
him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is
through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know
him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings."
Intimacy with God (what it is not) --- It's beyond religiosity; the adherence to rules, rites, creed, denominational affiliations, ethnicity/national origin, or walls of an edifice.
Intimacy with God (what it is) --- Man knows God through the knowledge and adoption of His character.
Philippians 2:5 ---"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
Stages of Reconciliation ---
>> Confession (Acknowledgement, Repentance: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. -- Hebrews 11:6)
>> Action (Active Faith: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." -- James 2:26)
>> Understanding (Maturity: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. "-- Matthew 5:48 )
There are Five Key Mothers of the Bible who provide understanding about many issues towards practical application. By no means is the following an exhaustive explanation. Be advised it just may whet your appetite for more.
Earth is the Mother of Creation. (Genesis 1) Earth provides understanding of the environment and science. Studying Mother Earth provides understanding of Man's identity, purpose, and responsibility. Indeed God gave Man dominion over the earth, but He also gave Man responsibility. The purpose of man is summarily expressed in the scripture, “Fear [Respect] God, and keep
His commandment: for this is the whole duty of man.” Are we fulfilling our purpose? Through appreciation of creation, from awe and humility, there's realization that God is in control. There's opportunity to recognize the sovereignty of God.
Earth is a mother who is always 'pregnant' or in state of producing something, if not in one hemisphere then in another. This is not about the Gaia Movement per se, though there are shared principles. when a person understands this mother there is appreciation for human discoveries through science. the perception that the Holy Bible and Science are mutually exclusive or are always in direct contradiction to each other is reduced. the nature of any contradiction may be explained by what happens in court of law whereby witness gives testimony, but the listener is still left with the choice of whether to believe the testimony.
Significant Point --- There's biblical support for what scientists say about earth being billions of years, not thousands of years old. The bible never asserts the earth is just thousands of years old. the misapplication of the scripture (2 Peter 3:8) many Christians use to support such assertion actually contradicts the truth of god being eternal, not govern by time. The scripture is expressing that time is nothing with God. Just consider what is being expressed if a person should say, "This week is as a day, and a day is as a week."
Psalm 19:1-3 --- "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard."
"Exodus Decoded" --- A documentary that explores the scientific, historical, and archeological evidence and findings from interdisciplinary experts that seems to support the veracity of biblical account of Israelites' Exodus from Egypt, inclusive of the 'Ten Plagues of Egypt'.
During these perilous times it is nice to pause and ponder the biblical examples that illustrates “The Significance of a Mother”
Earth --- The Good Mother
(Psalm 19:1)
Philosophically, ‘good’ is defined as that which fulfills its purpose. The purpose of man is summarily expressed in the scripture, “Fear God, and keep His commandment: for this is the whole duty of man.” A good mother is one that fulfills ther purpose --- Recognize the sovereignty of the Lord God Almighty in spirit and in truth.
Eve --- The Mortal Mother
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
In today’s soceity, there are many tasks that a mother performs for her household. It is sometimes easy to forget the fact one is not ‘supermom’. It is beneficial to remember the common poem, “God, grant me the Serenity to accept the I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference.”
Rebekah --- The Troubled Mother
(II Corinthians 4:8-9)
There are times in the life of a mother when life circumstances cause one to become troubled in her spirit. Sometimes a mother just needs to talk talk to the Lord God Almighty in prayer. The Lord God provides such comforting words as “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”
Mary --- The Notable Mother
(Proverbs 13:15)
Many times mothers are not recognized for the many contributions to her household. Ceremonies, flowers, cards, and kind words may not be expressed towards a mother. It is a wise mother who is not focusing on obtaining the favor of man, but is focusing on obtaining the favor of God. A wise mother remembers the scriptures, “But without faith it is impossible to please God.” A wise mother is a faithful mother (full of faith).
Jerusalem --- The Adored Mother
(Revelations 12:1)
Taking time to pause and ponder the significance of a mother brings forth adoration and awe. A mother is blessed of God. A mother shares the responsibility of Productivity. A mother serves the Lord God with all her heart, mind, soul, and might. A mother should be edified when she remembers the scripture, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Rejoice! O mother, the Lord God Almighty shall not forget your labor of Love!
"Christian" is 'Christ-like' and what did Jesus do? Did He just stand in a synagogue or sit in a pew? Jesus went where the need was great. Man needed a physician. Emergency! Before it's too late!
Jesus dwelled not in a 'comfort zone'. He was scorned, rebuked, and criricized by the leaders of the day. He made the difference and showed many people He is the Way; Not only by His words which confounded the wise, but His compassion is what made Lazarus rise!
He spoke to the outcast of soceity --- the ten lepers He healed. "Thank you" was what one came to say. Compassion declared, "Jesus is the Way!"
He confronted bigotry --- spoke to the Samaritan woman one day. Compassion broke the barriers. She learned Jesus is the Way!
O' men of all the earth, fulfill your purpose, please do not delay. Show compassion to all men to declare, "Jesus Christ is the Way!"
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one
to another." --- John 13:35
There are many voices in the world. Confirmation is good. Confirmation is resonance i.e. the state of harmony, agreement in sound. It is when the frequency, amplitude, and pitch are exactly the same.
Man should strive to be the resonance of God's voice --- to speak those things which are in harmony, agreement with the word of God.
There are many voices in the world. A voice is a sound that is the result of air (breath) suddenly and with force passing through the vocal cords, causing the vibration of the vocal cords. this action may be liken unto the action of the 'spirit of man motivates the will of man (soul) to direct the body towards God' earnestly.
Every voice has a distinct sound. Sound is a 'disturbance' in the air. Everything produces different kinds of disturbances. The disturbances alternate between pressure waves of high density and pressure waves of low density (cycle of disturbances). The existence of sound is not dependent upon man hearing sound. the distinctiveness of sound is dependent upon its frequency, amplitude, and pitch. A change in any of the three produces a different sound.
Listen --- "God Is Trying To Tell You Something"
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"---Revelations 2:17
There are many voices in the world. A voice is a sound that is the result of air (breath) suddenly and with force passing through the vocal cords, causing the vibration of the vocal cords. this action may be liken unto the action of the 'spirit of man motivates the will of man (soul) to direct the body towards God' earnestly.
Every voice has a distinct sound. Sound is a 'disturbance' in the air. Everything produces different kinds of disturbances. The disturbances alternate between pressure waves of high density and pressure waves of low density (cycle of disturbances). The existence of sound is not dependent upon man hearing sound. the distinctiveness of sound is dependent upon its frequency, amplitude, and pitch. A change in any of the three produces a different sound.
The frequency of sound is related to the number of 'cycles of disturbances' within a certain amount of time. High frequency refers to a high number of cycles and low frequency refers to a low number of cycles. Every object that makes a sound produces a certain frequency. There is a range whereby humans are generally able to hear sound.. There are some frequencies that may be too high or too low for the average human hearing.
The frequency may be liken unto the impact of God's voice. There is a range whereby humans may not 'hear' or understand the voice of God. the impact of the voice of God may be too 'high' or 'low' for human comprehension. God always speaks so that man can understand him. God does not speak too fast or slow. However, God may bless some people with ability to 'hear' or understand many things others even in the household of faith may not understand. This does not exalt the person. Everyone understands at different rate. God gives the ability and He gives it to whosoever He wants to give it unto and man cannot do anything about it.
"The Doppler Effect"
Sometimes it seems as though sound is getting louder as you move towards it. What is happening is that the number of frequencies has not changed but more of the frequencies (cycles) are transmitted to your ear. As you become more intimate with God it may seem that God speaks to you louder, more distinctively, more forcibly. God does not change. what happens is the more we know God the more distinctively we 'hear' him.
The amplitue of sound represents the distance from an area of high/low density to neutral zone (zone that represents the baseline/starting point before creation of 'disturbance'. It is the 'loudness' or 'softness' of sound. The amplitude may be liken unto the manner in which God speaks unto man. God speaks forcibly and tenderly unto man.
The pitch of sound represents the 'highness' or 'lowness' of the sound. It is caused by the tightening/loosening of the vocal cords. Biological maturity is a factor in determination of pitch. Serious damage to vocal cords could occur if an individual tries to attain a pitch before biologically mature. The ptch of sound may be liken to what God speaks to man. God speaks in a high pitch unto 'babes in Christ' and deep pitch unto more mature 'children in Christ'.
"Sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them
out. And when he putteth
forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they
know his voice. And a stranger will they
not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers." --- John 10:3-5
Man should seek to know the voice of God. When you know the voice of God you will not be deceived. A child knows his father's voice. A child responds to the voice of his father not to someone who tries to imitate or mock his father's voice by altering the frequency, amplitude, or pitch. A son of God not only identifies an individual as having knowledge and adoption of His character, but it identifies the individual as someone who knows the voice of the father.
The soul's adversary wants to hinder man from hearing the voice of God. The soul's adversary cannot stop God from speaking to man. God is in control. A 'microphone' may be provided for a person whom God uses to speak through. The 'microphone' may be boldness, fame, prestige, or influence.
"The opportunities America offers make our land a beacon
of hope for people from every corner of the world. America’s ability to
assimilate new immigrants has set us apart from other nations. In this
country, our origins matter less than our dreams. What makes us
Americans is our shared belief in democracy and liberty. Our Nation now
faces a critical challenge: to build an immigration system that upholds
these ideals and meets America’s needs in the 21st century."
Washington, we are in the midst of an important discussion about
immigration. Our current immigration system is in need of reform. We
need a system where our laws are respected. We need a system that meets
the legitimate needs of our economy. And we need a system that treats
people with dignity and helps newcomers assimilate into our society."
must address all elements of this problem together, or none of them
will be solved at all. And we must do it in a way that learns from the
mistakes that caused previous reforms to fail. So I support
comprehensive immigration reform that will allow us to secure our
borders and enforce our laws, keep us competitive in the global economy,
and resolve the status of those already here — without amnesty, and
without animosity."
"I know convictions run deep on the
matter of immigration. Yet I am confident we can have a serious, civil,
and conclusive debate. My Administration is working closely with Members
of Congress from both sides of the aisle. We are addressing our
differences in good faith, and we are working to build consensus. And I
am pleased that some of those who had doubts about comprehensive reform
last year are now open to supporting it."
"There is a
desire on the part of Republicans and Democrats alike to get this
problem solved. And by working together, we can enact comprehensive
immigration reform this year."
"Our Nation deserves an
immigration system that secures our borders and honors our proud history
as a nation of immigrants. By working together, we will enforce our
laws and ensure that America forever remains a land of opportunity and a
great hope on the horizon."
The words expressed herein are nice, eh? Do you support and agree with the words? Well, the words were spoken by President Bush.
If your opinion and support have now changed because you know who spoke
the words, then you may have just revealed more about own personal
unspoken bigotry (intolerance)
It's not about Democrat or Republican but America's Continuity of Purpose
From the Naturalization
Act of 1790 --- > Immigration Act of 1917 --- > Immigration Act of
1924 --- > Luce-Celler Act of 1946 --- > Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1952 --- > The Immigration and Nationality Act
Amendments of 1965 --- > 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act
(IRCA) --- > 1990 Immigration Act (IMMACT) --- > Secure America
and Orderly Immigration Act, --- > The Antiterrorism and Effective
Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) --- > Border Protection, Anti-terrorism,
and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 ---> Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Act of 2007 --- > The DREAM Act
The 'kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.' --- Matthew 11:12
There's great misunderstanding about this scripture and highlights why it's important to understand how words are usage and meaning may vary throughout time and across cultures.
The scripture concerns the permissibility of passion while pursuing a goal. Too many people are not really passionate about what they do. There's a tendency for many people to not only treat others but themselves as objects or robots. Passion is more than mere emotion or committment. It's perseverance. Passion siezes your entire being, expends much energy. Afterward, you are left feeling drained. Passion is sacrifice. Passion is from the heart, without dissimulation.
There's nothing more lonely than giving everything in your being to people but the reciprocal actions are lacking or inadequate. This is a common condition experienced by individuals who are singers, musicians, and other performing artists; clergy/minister, public servants, and community activists in purest sense. It's the passion that makes the difference and has an effect on environment and the hearts of audience.
One Moment in Time
Verily, these passionate individuals may appreciate reciprocity but they usually are not doing their actions to receive reciprocity. It's who s/he is i.e. the love for what s/he does that propels them to continue to do what they do despite the unrequited love.
Further Reading
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."--- Romans 12:1 (The Bible, KJV)
It's interesting that Planned Parenthood is an organization that touts a woman's right to choose yet the recent assault against Susan G. Komen Foundation may have a rippling effect on many organizations' capacity to choose its own destiny. It's a bad precedent. There's a major issue that should concern all organizations that engages in collaborative networks and partnerships: Organizational Autonomy.
Planned Parenthood has violated that trust. The organization has achieved a pyrrhic victory insomuch it sent a message that if any organization (or individual) that associates itself with it in good faith, may not be able to exercise freedom of choice to disassociate without public reprisals.
Planned Parenthood has position itself as the proverbial tar-baby.
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it. "
The assault of criticism against the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation for its original reasonable decision that impacted future funding of Planned Parenthood is being credited for the reversal of Komen's decision. There are some individuals who may view Komen has having the proverbial black-eye after such negative public relations. Komen does not have a black-eye, but rather a more serious condition, pink-eye.
The public outrage against Komen for its duly exercise in policy formulation should call attention to the fact Planned Parenthood may have only achieved a pyrrhic victory. Indeed, the entire situation unduly politicizes philanthropy. The entire fiasco may have great impact on any philanthropic organization who duly makes any reasonable changes in its organization's mission, strategies, or policy. Komen will recover but Planned Parenthood may not be able to distance itself from the responsibility of being the source of the contagion, pink-eye.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. " --Voltaire