The intensity of ongoing public discourse concerning domestic and foreign policies reflects this definitive moment in history marked by the nexus of zeitgeist and opportunity. The ole' political arguments and maneuverings are no longer acceptable. The ideological posturing are no longer tolerated.
There have been much talk about 'The Exceptionalism of America'. Whereas America embodies many ideals and values that other countries aspire to, we should guard against selfish pride. Remember there's a difference between patriotism and ethnocentricism.
There have been much talk about 'The Exceptionalism of America'. Whereas America embodies many ideals and values that other countries aspire to, we should guard against selfish pride. Remember there's a difference between patriotism and ethnocentricism.
"When pride cometh, then cometh shame." --- Proverbs 11:2
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
--- Proverbs 16:18 ---

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
--- Proverbs 16:18 ---

It's Common Sense!
If America is to be truly 'exceptional' (the 'city on a hill') in an enduring way, then it's time to put aside childish ways and thinking; really strive to be a more perfect (mature) union. It's time to sieze this definitive moment in history to do what we already know needs to be done in the best interest of America.
It's time to deal with reality (Newsflash! -- It doesn't mean looking at reality t.v. shows).
It's Common Sense!
TARP was an unfortunate necessity. It may have left an unpleasant taste in the mouths of many Americans, but it was the right thing to do. Ironically, in retrospect, it showed we can put aside politics/ideological differences and PUT AMERICA FIRST! It showed continuity of purpose.
It's Common Sense!
The Recovery Act was an unfortunate necessity; notwithstanding the extraneous provisions included in the legislation and given the circumstances, it was the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Health Care Reform/Health Care Law was a social and economic necessity. The exclusion of the public option showed continuity of purpose with American ideals and values. It was the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
The Auto Industry Bailout was an unfortunate necessity. It may have left an unpleasant taste in the mouth of many Americans. It strengthen manufacturing sector of U.S. economy, increased potential exports and job growth. It was the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Financial Regulatory Reform is a social and economic necessity. It showed understanding of past shortcomings that precipitated crisis and willingness to be proactive in adverting crisis in future. Nothwithstanding, it's incomplete due to failure to deal with Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and relationship to the Community Revitalization Act (as amended in 1990s). It was the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Budgetary Process/Entitlement/Tax Reform is a national security, social, and economic necessity. Balanced and prudent changes are needed to reflect changing realities, deal with future challenges, and pursue opportunities effectively. It's the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Comprehensive Immigration Reform is national security, social, and economic necessity. Balanced and prudent changes are needed to reflect changing realities, deal with future challenges, and opportunities effectively. America is a nation which values compassion and justice, not tyranny and repression. America is a nation which values law and order, not anarchy and confusion.
It's Common Sense!
Congressional Reform is a national necessity. The time and energy wasted on political games and maneuverings have produced much public ire and frustration against public servants, in addition to bringing the time-honored institution, the U.S. Congress to a standing of ill-repute. ("It doesn't have to be this way.") It's the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Presidential Leadership Reform is a national necessity. For years, Republicans and Democrats seem to have considered the president as a pawn and the presidency as a trophy. For years, there has been politicization of the presidency. It's time for all Americans to rethink how we view the president in relation to political parties.
Once an individual takes the oath of office, he owes no allegiance to politcal parties. His primary focus is what's best for all Americans --- Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and Apolitical. Every administration should demonstrate a continuity of purpose in pursuing what's in the best interest of America. The president should not be constrained to accept/reject viable ideas based on political affiliation.
Furthermore, no party should be able to hide behind the president's favor/disfavor. Neither should the president be able to hide behind a party's favor/disfavor. It's time for more accurate assessment of presidential job performance. It's time for more independent accurate assessment of a party's ideas and vision.
At respective national conventions, EACH political party decides to offer its party's nominee or ENDORSE the president. It's time to reduce (though realistically not completely eliminate) the politicization of the presidency. It's the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
Political Process reform (e.g. Redistricting, Open Primaries, Campaign Financing, Enhanced Rescission Authority granted to POTUS) is a national necessity. America may have lofty ideals and enviable values, but if our processes are adulterated by political shenanigans then America is no better than countries we consider to be despotic. It's the right thing to do.
It's time to clarify the practical and political role/functionality of such grassroot movements as TEA and OFA; specifically in regards to PACS/SuperPACS. Indeed, campaign finance laws need to be reviewed to ensure there's an accurate reflection of reality. No gaps or loopholes --- functional or otherwise. It's the right thing to do.
It's Common Sense!
The partisans and the ideologues on both sides of spectrum should realize the challenges we face are not insurmountable; the problems are solvable. We may not particularly agree with a certain polcy approach, but must use common sense. There are many reasonable Americans who are so-o-o-o tired of the political brinkmanship and our leaders' actions reflecting everything but sound judgment. Indeed, who has the judgment to lead?
Common Sense shows no preference to political parties or ideologies. Common Sense not only faces reality but deals with reality. Common Sense focuses not on the short-term, myopic quick-fixes, but on balanced pragmatic sustainable solutions. Common Sense accepts responsibility, not excuses.
It's Time for Common Sense!
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