People may be cynical about our politics, critical of our leaders, and/or engaged in civic affairs to different degrees. However, many share one underlying truth, they are committed to America, not necessarily to a party, idealogy, or even a person. There's a realization (for some it may be subconscious) that this moment in history requires steady resolve to honestly, effectively deal with the complex challenges that we've have been grappling with for generations.
For years our politics have been dominated by the increasingly shrill voices of the ideological extremes. The rigidity -- the uncompromising posture have hindered progress and produced stagnation. Today, the still small voices of reasonable Americans who reject ideological extremism and seek pragmatic sustainable solutions to our challenges, are heard more --- resonating with cadence.
Leaders need to understand it's time to focus on the next generation, not just the next election. Media organizations need to realize and assume due responsibility towards encouraging understanding among populace. We, the People need to understand it's important to exercise the skill, active listening continually. Obstinacy and Extremism are not virtues; Tolerance and Moderation are not vices.
Indeed, the public itself has not measured up to fulfilling its responsiblity. Generally speaking, the public has become enablers in the dysfunctional processes of governance. We have not sought to be reasonably informed but are myopic in how we view problems and solutions. We have focused on poll-tested slogans and mantras. We have viewed issues as an ideological battle to be won not as practical problems to be solved (Example --- A Lonely Success )
It's time to really think about how we view leadership. Right now there are many people not really concerned at working towards pragmatic sustainable solutions of nation's challenges. Indeed, there are individuals who show themselves to be unprincipled. A principled individual actually is confident in what s/he believes that there is willingness and ability to forge reasonable compromise. Yet, there are individuals who continually show themselves to be divisive and irresponsible. Individuals who show themselves to be lacking in sufficient pragmatic understanding of the issues facing nation, the world. Individuals who show themselves not having mature understanding of leadership and certainly not exhibiting leadership. (Example --- China Warns US: "Stop Playing With Fire" On Debt Ceiling) and (Look Who’s Warning About the Debt Ceiling Now)
For years U.S. have engaged in a more combative, take-no-prisoners, foot-on-the-neck-of-opponents style of leadership in domestic and foreign affairs. The results have been increased contempt towards US by international community, reduced respect for US from international community, and US' general estrangement from international community; also domestically, there have been marked increase in bullying behaviors (schools, cyberspace, and workplace). It's time to examine how we view leadership. It's time to accept new 'leadership paradigm' as demonstrated by President Obama.
Leadership brings people together to work towards common purpose. To those who may scoffed at such a leadership style, it highlights the skills of leadership. Often, people focus on the accoutrements of leadership (e.g. positions, titles). The style of leadership that the president is demonstrating is more trustworthy because it's consistent with his character. Furthermore, it can be reasonably argued that such a style requires aptitude in understanding human behavior and motivations. It requires understanding the short-term and the long-term consequences of actions and decisions; it's visionary and transformative. It's indomitable strength. It requires being less myopic. It's pragmatic. It's flexible to unexpected challenges. It focuses on collaboration and compromise. It's inclusive and empowering. This is the type of leadership that the country needs at this moment in history, yes 'for such a time as this'.

It's time to call for leadership i.e. those individuals who understand the value, yes even the necessity of this new leadership paradigm. It's time for the more reasonable members of the public to support those individuals who exercise leadership skills, specifically the ability to compromise i.e. seek common ground in resolving differences. (Example --- Washington Post Op-Ed : How Medicare can be saved)
Unfortunately, the U.S. Congress has become mired in brinkmanship. It's time to call for review and reform of its processes which have hindered progress through encouraging intransigency. (How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans)
It's time for a reality check. Americans across the political spectrum needs a reality check. We cannot solve our problems by adhering or even appealing to the old ideological dogmas of the past. It's time to make the hard choices between the immediate discomfort we're suffering now and the ongoing pain we will suffer for generations if we fail to deal pragmatically with our challenges. It's time for 'adult supervision'. It's time to administer 'tough love' not only to leaders of both parties but towards everyone in the nation. It's time to stop talking about responsibility and assume shared responsibility.
When the president goes before the American people and presents what we face as a nation if we fail to act quickly and prudently, then we will be on our way to ensuring our continual productivity. When the president goes before the American people for such a conversation, the call for action is for all reasonable Americans to step up and declare, " 'We must become the change we wish to see in the world.' [Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi] We're ready to be responsible. We appreciate being told the hurtful truth without any political slant. We will no longer listen to individuals who pander to our fears, prejudices, and bigotry. We expect our leaders to focus on acting in the best interest of the nation, not promotion of party or idealogy."
Call to Action
U.S. Senators of the 112th Congress --- Contact info (phone, fax, address, official website)
U.S. House of Representatives --- Contact info (phone, fax, address, official website)
The White House --- Contact info (phone, fax, address, official website)
Further Reading
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Annual Conference, June 14, 2011
Enhanced Rescission Authority
Commendation to No Labels Org for highlighting the Citizen Leader, people who exercise responsible leadership in their communities every day through service
Track II (Citizen) Diplomacy
Leader-As-Servant Model and
Why important?
Biblical Support: Mark 10:43
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