War cannot be won without boots on the ground
Airstrikes bombardment night and day
will never support the 'bodyguard of lies'
developed to muffle the sound --
'boots on the ground'.
There's no doubt as to what needs to be done to defeat, degrade, dismantle, and destroy a formidable foe
The debate raging in U.S. and among the international community is whose boots will go?
Indeed. Boots on the Ground, Boots on the Ground
War cannot be won without boots on the ground.
Further Reading
BLOG::Mr. Conservative
Whose Boots? "Whose boots will be on the ground in Syria and Iraq in the battle against ISIS?"
NBCNews::Chuck Todd, et al.
Whose Boots? "The challenge the United States faces: If we’re not committing ground forces, how do you persuade other countries and entities (outside the Iraqis, Kurds, and Syrians) to do it?"