"Many prayer services and memorials will take place to remember the events of 9/11 and honor the memories of those who died and the heroic efforts of many citizens 10 years ago. I offer this meditation as we observe the 10th anniversary of 9/11:"
"Let us remember those who died as victims of terror, each of them an image of God, a universe of hopes;"
"Let us recall with gratitude, the heroism and courage of the first responders;"
"Let us remember the compassion and altruism of ordinary citizens who turned to help both strangers and friends;"
"Let us bring gifts of faith, justice and mercy to all who yearn for comfort and renewal;"
"Let us reject prejudice and violence against those who believe differently, dress differently and speak differently;"
"Let us combat stereotypes and refuse to speak or accept words of hatred and acts of intolerance;"
"Let us build bridges of civil conversation in order to create a just and caring society for all;"
"Let us rekindle hope and trust and let us dream of and labor for a time of understanding, harmony and solidarity;"
"Let us strengthen the hands of those who defend and the hearts of those who labor for peace;"
"Let us renew our commitment to the values of democracy, "to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for all."
Written by Dennis Sasso, senior rabbi at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis.
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