There's a lot of talk about invoking the 14th Amendment in regrettable case there's no resolution by August 2. Applicability is unclear, but it does raise the possibility that U.S. Congress may have over-step its constitutional boundaries enacting debt ceiling and thereby raises the possibility that there was error in raising debt ceiling in past. Now,we're facing a dilemma -- whether it's the delay in raising the debt ceiling, challenging its constitutionality, or allowing a debt default, all actions pose serious political risks and significant consequences for both parties and nation. Furthermore such actions are troubling in the eyes of international community.
This issue and the crisis it portends highlights our ongoing tendency to approach problem-solving in tunnel-vision, myopic manner.
These are solvable problems, but it does require us just getting out of the short-term and, frankly, selfish approach that sometimes politics breeds. We’ve got to think a bit long term. --- President Obama, Press Conference 06.29.11
Yes, we need to deal with our debt but we must make sure that the remedies set forth are not only pragmatic and balanced, but are in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. Though there are Republicans, like Sen Demint et. al. who express support for a balanced budget amendment, to insist on its inclusion in any deal is not practical given time constraints and could be pursued later after current crisis is effectively resolved. To do otherwise is actually demagoguery, irresponsible, and predatory insomuch it takes advantage of the public's and some leaders' ignorance of the ardous amendment process (e.g the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) -- it's been 88 years since it was first proposed and still it's just short of the required states for ratification!) Such irresponsibility will not be tolerated, either.
Seriously!*** Indeed, the TEA Party raises legitimate concerns but unfortunately the media has been enthralled with the symbolism and energy of the movement that it failed to ask those who ascribe to TEA tenets to provide more complete vision for America insomuch vision = goal (what) + process (how). Anybody may state 'what' we should do, but the most important is the 'how'. What are the pragmatic sustainable solutions to the nation's problems? Failure to provide pragmatic sustainable solutions is disingenuous and manipulative; merely appealing to the fear and anxiety of the public.
More and more Americans are awakening to the fact that our nation's future is not a game to be played like russian roulette. It's not a game, period. Leaders need to understand it's time to focus on the next generation, not just the next election. Media organizations need to realize and assume due responsibility towards encouraging understanding among populace. We, the People need to understand it's important to exercise the skill, active listening continually. Obstinacy and Extremism are not virtues; Tolerance and Moderation are not vices. Remember, it's not a game.
It's an "ALL-IN" Moment in History. To insist on the exclusion of tax increases or exclusion of changes in Entitlements is unreasonable. It's time for shared responsibility. The challenges we face have been years, indeed, decades in the making by Republicans and Democrats. No one party has all the answers. BOTH sides must be willing to step away from their intransigent policy positions towards compromise.
Put America First.
It's time to get serious and stop the
pas folie deux that's consuming the political parties. It's time for leadership. It's time for
principled compromise. It's time for discipline, balance, and responsibility! It's time for Change to come to U.S. Congress (not cosmetic or mere change in party majorities either) If anyone insists in continuing to behave in a manner that is counterproductive then s/he does not need to be a member in the U.S. Congress any longer. There are many reasonable informed Americans who are willing to make it happen. They vote and not necessarily along party lines. Believe it or not, the ground has shifted. The ole' staled way of doing things is no longer acceptable. The time for childish behavior and adult brinkmanship is over.
Enough is Enough!It's Time for Real Constitutionally Sound Solutions!
It's time to grant Enhanced Rescission Authority to the President.
-- Bipartisan Senate Support for Enhanced Presidential Rescission Authority Rules
--CBO Makes the Case for Strict Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Rules Reform
-- GAO Study: Complexity of Tax Code is Costly' Subsidies--Indirect, Labor , Trade Protections, Procurement, Infrastructure, Consumption, Export
-- Earmark transparency still makes more sense than a ban Reform
-- NBC/WSJ Poll: Americans Warming to Entitlement Reform Means Test Tom Coburn and Joe Lieberman's Impressive New Medicare Reform Proposal Dept of Defense Wasteful Spending
-- Quorum Reform. Though it's important to protect the rights of the minority party. It's also important to ensure there's no unnecessary disruption of legislative business via walkouts. There should be per diem fine assessed to every congressional member who engages in such behavior. It's childish and disorderly.
--Filibuster Reform. Though it's important to protect the rights of the minority party. It's also important to ensure there's no unnecessary disruption of legislative business via members abusing the time of Congress.
-- Review Caucuses. The number of caucuses in Congress may have been created for specific purposes but over time have added to the balkanization within the legislative branch. Many may be reasonably argued as permanent lobbying groups operating in the chambers of Congress (note it was stated they were not merely working
with Congress) This type of relationship is unacceptable.
-- Multi-Year Budget Process
-- Open Primaries/Redistricting Reform
There are very serious issues and challenges that are facing the nation. It's admirable that people are exercising their constitutional rights to express grievances, but it must be coupled with pragmatism and responsibility. Failure to do so results in undue disruption and chaos, not order and progress. Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
In the movie, 'Lean on Me' about Joe Clark's efforts as principal to bring reforms to a New Jersey High School. Dr. Frank Napier, superintendent to Joe Clark:
"Get used to it, it's the way of the world! If you're so hot on discipline then, goddammit, start by accepting mine."
To Members of U.S. Congress -- Democrats and Republicans:
"Get used to it, it's the way of the world! If you're so hot on responsibility then, start by accepting it yourself! Because contrary to popular opinion, no one can have freedom without responsibility!"
"The American people didn't give us power, they gave us responsibility." --- Dick Armey
Further Reading:
Part III: America's Health --- The Heart Condition Report: The Economics of the Federal Budget Deficit