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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Family Prayer

            We already know and agree that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, I’m asking you to touch and agree w/ me in spirit and truth while we use the power/authority that the Lord God have already given to us to speak life to a situation of death.

“Lord God, you are our father and we are coming to you for deliverance and strength as we stand together for the purpose of unity. You have allowed us to be together now not by accident or chance but because you know all of our faults, gifts, talents, and character traits. We recognize your will is for us to use our differences to work together in harmony for your purpose. As we read and speak these words, please allow your Spirit to provide all things that pertain to life and godliness to each member of the Family, today and always.”

“Where there is debt, let there increase. Where there is poverty, let there be prosperity. Where there is lack, let there be sufficiency. Where there is weakness, let there be strength. Where there is doubt, let there be faith. Where there is sickness, let there be health and healing. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Where there is denial, let there be recognition, confirmation, and acceptance. Where there is fear and insecurity, let there be confidence. Where there is rejection, let there be acceptance. Where there is abandonment, neglect, and negligence, let there be diligence and responsibility. Where there is estrangement, let there be reconciliation. Where there is blame, let there be forgiveness. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Where there is depression, let there be joy. Where there is despair, let there be hope and optimism. Where there is apathy and slothfulness, let there be energy and enthusiasm. Where there is negativity, criticism, and pessimism, let there be praise, admiration, and commendation. Where there is condemnation, guilt, and shame, let there be virtue and honor. Where there is frustration and anxiety, let there be assurance, comfort, patience, and support. Where there is hurt, let there be pleasure. Where there is discontent, let there be satisfaction. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Where there is carelessness, recklessness, and unruliness, let there be caution and order. Where there is wanton-ness, let there be compassion, discipline, and purity. Where there is a lie and deception, let there be truth and honesty. Where there be discord and gossip, let there be encouragement and edification. Where there is hate, let there be love. Where there is secrecy and manipulation, let there be integrity, revelation, and respect. Where there is a curse, let there be a blessing. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Where there is envy and jealousy, let there be trust and kindness. Where there is anger, resentment, and bitterness, let there be cooperation and unity. Where there is intimidation and retaliation, let there be justice. Where there is stubborn-ness, let there be flexibility. Where there is aggression and violence, let there be peace. Where there is confusion and uncertainty, let there be knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Where there is pride and arrogance, let there be humility. Where there is rebellion, let there be obedience. Where there is self-righteousness, let there be recognition of the sovereignty of God. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Where there is complacency and stagnation, let there be action and revival. Where there is bondage, let there be freedom. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.”

“Lord God, again we acknowledge that we are together at this point in time not by chance or accident. You have allowed us to be together now, not by accident or chance but because you know all of our faults, gifts, talents, character traits. We recognize your will is for us to use our differences to work together in harmony for your purpose.  We realize that we are your ministers or servants to do your will. We recognize that your will is for us to act as one man of leadership/ Therefore, we have a clear understanding of your words, “He who would be the greatest among you must be servant of all.”

“Lord God let not these words read and spoken be in vain. Let them go forth towards all members of the Family. Show forth your excellence in and through each of us. We thank you for our deliverance. Help us to maintain it. Amen”