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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Web of Deceit

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive."

The controversy involving Mitt Romney and his employment at Bain is the proverbial game-changer in election politics. Individuals, on both sides of issue, seems to be effectively asserting their positions based on perception of the facts.

The controversy is a relevant and serious issue. What is the truth? What is the basis of Mitt Romney's arguement?

An interesting fact is the severance agreement from Bain that was finalized in 2002 and retroactive to 1999.

At first glance, it seems when Romney signed the oft-mentioned SEC documents, it may have been legal, initially. Furthermore, Romney's propensity to have it both ways seems to have resulted in all of his words and actions being in direct contradiction to each other.

Significance of Romney's Pattern of Obfuscation ---

The controversy seems to involve more than inconsistency and lies. The issue seems to include multiple incidents of fraud, perjury, and de-legitimization of the U.S. electoral process. Indeed, what has transpired is about more than employment tenure at a company. This controversy involves actions that may be regarded by historians as having potential to be a bane of U.S. democracy.

Mitt Romney needs to provide answers to legitimate questions in a straight forward manner.

Further Reading

Tools for Justice